We are looking for short films, both animation and live action, which have no dialogue or very little dialogue (spoken words).
We would like submissions of films with at least one key team member – such as director, writer, actor, animator, cinematographer, or editor who identifies as neurodivergent* or as having a neurological difference or disability.
*Neurodivergent can mean someone who identifies with one or more of the following: autism, ADHD, a learning disability, dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, downs syndrome, tourettes, cerebral palsy, brain injury or a mental health condition. It can also include something not mentioned in this list where a person identifies as neurodivergent.
For more information about what we mean by neurodiversity please see our page about the Social Model of disability and Neurodiversity here.
The films can be:
- about anything and be any genre.
- suitable for children and family audiences or for adult audiences.
- No longer than 15 minutes
We are also looking for any short films, with or without dialogue, which:
- have a theme of neurodiversity. This means that the subject or the storyline is about neurodiversity, neurological difference or disability.
- must have been created by a neurodivergent filmmaker.
- Are no longer than 15 minutes
Submissions are open to short films made anywhere in the world and of all genres and budgets.
What is Daydream Cinema Cinema Day?
Daydream Cinema creates and supports accessible opportunities for neurodivergent and disabled people to enjoy films in their communities and in cinema venues.